学生俱乐部 & 组织

赌博合法的国家在每个学期都有大约24个活跃的俱乐部和组织. 要建立或重新激活一个俱乐部,需要10名感兴趣的学生和一名指导老师. Established clubs may be eligible to receive funding during the academic year.



被欺侮 as defined by the State of Ohio in the Ohio Revised code 2903.31 as: “any act or coercing another, 包括受害者, 做任何加入任何学生或其他组织的行为,或任何继续或恢复任何学生或其他组织的会员资格或隶属关系的行为,导致或造成对任何人造成精神或身体伤害的重大风险, including coercing another to consume alcohol or a drug of abuse, as a defined in section 3719.011 of the Revised Code.


非洲! Students Association (ASA)

该俱乐部旨在为所有对非洲文化感兴趣的学生建立一个安全、包容的社区, share their experiences, and celebrate 非洲n cultures together. 我们努力提供一个平台,让非洲学生发出自己的声音,让所有学生都能不受歧视地了解和欣赏非洲文化. For more 信息 contact advisor Tshai (Sarah) Leggesse.

American Culinary Federation MCI Junior Chapter

ACFMCI青少年分会的目的是为学生提供一个支持性的学习环境和机会.  ACFMCI初级分会促进未来的领导者和专业人士在或进入食品服务行业的成长. For more 信息 contact 格里高利Skibinski at 513-569-5814.


本俱乐部致力于提供一个友好和包容的文化,为转会资源提供机会, 奖学金, and connections to assist students complete a seamless transfer. For more 信息 contact Dr. Myshamil沃克 电话:(513)569-1884或 贝蒂理查德 at (513) 569-4844.


辛辛那提州立生物俱乐部的使命是为学生提供一个非正式的科学讨论平台, 生涯探索, 社区参与, and new experiences relating to biology. For more 信息 contact club advisor 马克Tiemeier.

Black Male Initiative (BMI)

“黑人男性倡议”为讨论非裔美国男性特有的问题提供了一个论坛, and serves as a means of 援助, motivation and community involvement for members. Activities include campus events, 讲座, community activities, social outings and peer group academic 援助. Membership is open to all members of the 辛辛那提州 community. For more 信息 contact advisor 布莱恩·戴尔 or 布莱恩Hooten.

辛辛那提州 Baja SAE

这个俱乐部的目的是在学习适用于机械工程领域的技能的同时建造和比赛车辆. For more 信息 contact advisor 迈克尔•德沃尔.

辛辛那提州 Students for Life

Members work to save lives threatened by induced abortion, 安乐死, and the destruction of human embryos for research. In furtherance of these goals, members seek to promote respect for life at 辛辛那提州 and on a local, 状态, 国家层面, to educate on life issues, to help those in need so that life is a promising choice, and to work with others who share common goals. For more 信息 contact advisor Dr. 安Gunkel.

辛辛那提州 Women’s Network

辛辛那提州立妇女网络致力于通过学术支持和成就来促进多种族妇女的发展, 社区服务, 自我意识, 指导, 领导, and social development. For more 信息 contact 杰恩酱.


Thi年代或ganization serves students, 教师, 工作人员, by helping to organize communities of prayer, 敬拜, 奖学金, discipleship and a mission to transform the college, 市场上, 这个世界. For more 信息 contact advisor 桑德拉方式 or 黛比Greenlee.

Creative Writing for 辛辛那提州

This group is designed to promote creative writing at 辛辛那提州. Members exchange ideas, 信息, 建议, 资源, 援助, and on occasion constructive criticism. For more 信息 contact advisor Dr. 罗尼喜悦.


这个俱乐部的目的是帮助弥合点对点支持和建议的地方外展之间的差距. Our goal is to provide support, 问责制, 为学生提供资源,激励他们在学校继续表现出色. For more 信息 contact 塔米拉金斯.


幼儿俱乐部服务于对幼儿教育感兴趣的学生, and provides learning opportunities on campus and in the community. For more 信息 contact advisor 凯利哈伯德.


这个俱乐部提高了赌博合法的国家各种“绿色”学术项目的环保意识和学生的兴趣. 除了赞助一年一度的校园地球果酱和为来访的高中生举办的环境主题活动日, members participate in regional contests, help with community clean-ups and water testing events, provide 信息 at public events, 并在各种场所推广环境工程技术计划. For more 信息 contact advisor Dr. 安Gunkel or 安法伦.


荣誉学生俱乐部的目的是让学生在社区服务活动中共同努力, bring community members to campus as guest speakers, emphasize higher learning, and create a supportive environment for students. For more 信息 contact advisor 安德里亚·特拉普.


园艺俱乐部提供了一个随意的氛围,在这里分享想法和专业信息. The club helps with the sale of floral arrangements during holiday seasons; funds raised help pay for student trips to competitions and professional meetings. Club members also volunteer at the 辛辛那提州 greenhouse. For more 信息 contact advisor 莫林考米拉 or 马克执事.


在状态中 at 辛辛那提州 provides a safe, supportive environment for gay, 女同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, and questioning students and their straight allies. For more 信息 contact advisor Dr. 罗尼喜悦.

Interpreter Training Club

该俱乐部通过提供演讲嘉宾,为学生和当地聋人社区提供口译培训, 导师, 和导师. 会员们也支持一年一度的“无声拍卖”,为扶轮社的活动筹集资金,并提高该计划的知名度. For more 信息 contact advisor 杰西卡脆煤年代或 黎明Caudill.


领导力俱乐部致力于帮助会员认识和提高他们内在的领导力, by enhancing skills and capabilities, 建立自信, 激励别人, and taking initiative as a group to provide value to the community. For more 信息 contact 教师 advisor Julie McLaughlin at 朱莉.mclaughlin@cincinnati状态.edu.

National Association of Home Builders

这个俱乐部的使命是获得有关建筑行业的知识,同时共同努力参加NAHB学生比赛. For more 信息 contact 格雷戈里·凯利 513-569-1758.


National Society of Professional Surveyors Student Chapter

NSPS为土地测量和其他学生提供了探索课堂之外的专业的机会. Learn about Land Surveying by giving back to the community, competing in student competitions, attending of professional conferences, and going on site tours. For more 信息 contact Carol Morman at 卡罗.morman@cincinnati状态.edu

Nursing Student Organization

护理学生组织支持赌博合法的国家的护理项目,并鼓励学生在虚拟社区中分享项目具体问题和关注点. 联系 希娜•戴维斯 了解更多信息.

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society for two-year colleges. Membership requires a 3.5 GPA and is by invitation from the College president. PTK provides opportunities for 领导 and service, 奖学金, and motivation in continuing academic excellence. 联系导师 尼克Balle, 唐·波洛克, or 周三奥斯特 for more 信息.

Respiratory Care Club

呼吸护理俱乐部为呼吸护理技术项目的学生提供服务,并帮助他们将工作和知识扩展到更大的社区. For more 信息 contact 教师 advisors Julie Klensch at 朱莉.klensch@cincinnati状态.edu 或者迈克尔·切尼 迈克尔.chaney2@cincinnati状态.edu.


这个俱乐部的目的是帮助进一步教育每个外科技术专业的学生成功地通过这个项目,并为有益的教育活动提供筹款机会. For more 信息 contact Deborah Shumate at 黛博拉.shumate@cincinnati状态.edu

Society of Women Engineers

该俱乐部的使命是为非传统技术领域的女性创造网络和支持机会, 并开展拓展活动,鼓励女性考虑从事科技行业. For more 信息 contact advisor 阿比伊 or 杰拉尔丁Savrda.


The 西班牙俱乐部 explores the global customs, 语言, 以及西班牙和拉丁美洲文化的贡献,并通过文化宣传项目促进对这些文化的欣赏, community activities, 信息 gathering, 和网络. For more 信息 contact advisor 埃里克·斯文森.


辛辛那提州立学生政府致力于通过俱乐部和组织改善学生的生活和提高学生的学习经验, 社区服务, and student 领导. 参与者在促进校园文化意识和多样性的同时,作为学生权利和关注的倡导者. For more 信息 contact advisor Soni Hill at 索尼.hill@cincinnati状态.edu.

Student Occupational Therapy Association

俱乐部的宗旨是帮助会员成为职业治疗助理,并在社会上推广职业治疗的意识. For more 信息 contact 教师 advisors Toni Durban at 安托瓦内特.durban@cincinnati状态.edu or Claudia Miller at 克劳迪亚.miller@cincinnati状态.edu.